Senior Fitness in Sunshine Coast

The old adage is true. Move it or lose it. You need to keep your body moving if you want to be moving at an older age. You only have one body, so you need to keep it in tip top condition. This doesn’t mean that you need to go blow a fortune on the latest exercise gadget or a gym membership. There are plenty of things that you can do around the home, or locally, without spending a dime.

A lot of care facilities, or your local council, will run a regular free exercise session in your local park. It’s a great idea, and a fabulous chance to make new friends, at these events. You will need to check with your council to see what is on offer.

Setting up a walking group is another great way to keep fit and get a good chat. It will help you stay motivated by working out wither others and who doesn’t want to be with their friends more?

Swimming and pool aerobics are a great way to keep active without putting a lot of stress on the joints. If backpain or joint pain affects how you move, then check with your local community swimming pool for any classes that they run. If you are fortunate enough to have your own pool, some great pool aerobic exercises can be found on YouTube.

If you are up for it, yoga and Pilates are a fantastic way to keep your flexibility and mobility at their peak. However, it is important that before you undertake any new exercise regime that you consult your doctor as there may be issues that would stop you from participating.

Get out and get moving because the best way to keep your body working is to give it a good work out.


Home Care Assistance Sunshine Coast is a reliable aged care provider offering the best home care services in the area of Sunshine Coast!