Staying Active As You Age – Senior Exercise Tips & Benefits

Stay fit! Stay active! Go on taking exercise! Home Care Assistance Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay believe in promoting active ageing – for your own sake. Just walking around the house or garden – or, better still, out to the shops – can make a world of difference. As well as contributing to health in heart and mind. Confidence is everything, of course. Set goals. Reasonable goals that may be challenging, but are actually easily achievable. Small, positive, frequent increments too – and, remember, every day is a new day.

Remember that only one-third of our longevity is based on genetics, and two-thirds on lifestyle factors within our control

Find out where your nearest senior centre is, and check on their volunteer programs and social outings, yoga and tai chi classes, swimming and aerobics – even dancing. How about golf? You can always use a cart. Or bowling? Or even throwing tennis balls around, or frisbees.

The amount of physical activity you need each week depends on your age and level of health, but that includes fitness, strength, flexibility, and balance

Even light exercise increases the ability to balance and react – you have to try to avoid falling. So wear sensible shoes, and beware of slippery floors and slithery rugs and sharp glass tables.

Exercise tends to reduce the risk of injury from falls

Feel better, physically and emotionally. Exercise helps to control weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and bone and joint problems like arthritis. It reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes and some cancers too, and helps to manage pain.

If you don’t have a mobility-limiting health condition, try to exercise daily, even if it is only for half an hour – any activity is better than none. Don’t just watch television, read a book or the papers or listen to music

And if you are on the Sunshine Coast, and want to know about home care, home care packages, balanced care and community care, then be sure to contact Home Care Assistance Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay for the best possible and most practical advice.

How to stay fit as you get older

Home Care Assistance caregivers are all trained to extend and enhance the lives of seniors, helping them to lead longer, happier lives at home.

Home Care Assistance Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay believes in and carries out a holistic program that promotes a healthy diet, physical exercise, mental stimulation, socialisation and a sense of purpose. You can have confidence in us, and entrust us with your nearest and dearest.